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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Abigail comes for a visit

Abigail showed up for a long awaited Saturday visit at "Mami's and Popie's". Joanna was looking over the camera and tried a few shots before she left for a night out. This pic captures the spunky enthusiasism Ab brings into an adventure. She had been sick the week before with a flu bug and here she is very well...thank you! We had a blast with projects and eating out at "Jasons Deli", and an evening of TV and projects. She left for home at midnight, tired, but still full of fun.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jackson David Evans

Jackson is starring here in his second video at one month old. He is alert, fun, interesting, a joy, cute, inquisitive, strong....well you get the idea, the apple of this grandparents eye.

In 2008 Gateway Church, along with World Vision, Hosted "The Aids Experience" in which an African village was simulated with an array of village structures imported to make the tour realistic. Some thousands of guests took the tour and related literature on an aids ravaged African continent. Debra represents the Firelight Foundation booth with free reports, call to action, and dialog.
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Santa Fe Market

Beautiful afternoon in Santa Fe at the Farmers Market. Kerrey and Deb explore the dyed wools and pick up some fresh produce. Some of the larger organic growers were not there due to being somewhat late in the growing season. Hot early afternoon, note hand made fan.
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