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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blanton Museum

These wide "sweep" pictures where taken at the Blanton Museum when my sister Diane visited Austin. I was having fun with my panorama shots and the art filled rooms. A staff person reminded me there were only non flash stills allowed. My moving the camera caused the inquiry as to whether I was taking movies....of course these pics do not give justice to the fine art, but serve as a memory.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Backyard Birthdays

My grandsons Jackson and Tyler had birthdays within a couple of weeks from one another. Jackson turned three and Tyler one. Jon and Ali set up backyard fun including an inflatable jumping castle. Tyler had his own cup cake. Families, friends, fun!!!

Deer Austin

We live less than five miles from the urban core in Austin. While it isn't too unusual to see deer walk through the neighborhood in early evening it was somewhat surprising to see this doe at the mailbox mid day. I was grading papers on the front porch and went inside to grab the camera. She was in no hurry and posed for this pic.