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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nancy Collages Austin Texas

These three large photo story boards trace a lifetime of family, friends, and events of Nancy Munger. The boards, creatively put together by her granddaughter Kristin and husband Kevin served as a welcome to the Barr Mansion location where the memorial was held. Forty people on a short special invitation list participated in an evening of song, readings, memories and dinner. While it was blistering hot outside, the facility was a lovely venue for the occasion. Click on the boards for larger viewing. 100s' of pics are fit into the collage.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This shot was taken at County Line BBQ when celebrated Makenzie Graces' birthday party. I think this is a particularly good pic of Joanna and her mom, Debra. We always have a good time at this iconic Austin spot. Most importantly the Mak-attack had a grand time .
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