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Monday, December 26, 2011

Jackson arrives for Christmas morning fun.....

Nearly a year ago on New Year's 2011, I posted a picture on Jackson coming in wearing his "Thomas" PJs and ready for action.  This Holiday he strolled in with his "Cars" fashion statement. So as not to miss the Spidey gloves I added the flash photo of his going into the front door.....another fun blast with the kids.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Shrimp plant in early December

A couple of pics of backyard plants facing a mid-December cold front ahead of the Holiday season.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jackson David Evans Razor Scooter

This is a fun pic of Jackson as we were getting ready to have him return home after an overnight. Jackson doesn't just wait around. He spotted the scooter and began to zoom around the sidewalk and driveway. As he approaches three and a half years he has good coordination and athletic skills.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One more fungal find

Hard to believe this unlikely pair would pop up in the damp September woods. One day there was white domes pushing up through the rotting stump and the next a yellow twosome that look like whole grain cheese burger buns......all in the micro drama of the Michigan forest.

Cabin September 2011

Great days in the beautiful Lake Margarette shoreline setting. Days were in the mid 70's and nights in the lower 40's. A most welcome respite from the hottest Austin on record.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fungal Family

In the hot early summer, with everything drying out, this fungal family found a way to push up in a moist shady area. This pic is just outside my office window here in Austin.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blanton Museum

These wide "sweep" pictures where taken at the Blanton Museum when my sister Diane visited Austin. I was having fun with my panorama shots and the art filled rooms. A staff person reminded me there were only non flash stills allowed. My moving the camera caused the inquiry as to whether I was taking movies....of course these pics do not give justice to the fine art, but serve as a memory.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Backyard Birthdays

My grandsons Jackson and Tyler had birthdays within a couple of weeks from one another. Jackson turned three and Tyler one. Jon and Ali set up backyard fun including an inflatable jumping castle. Tyler had his own cup cake. Families, friends, fun!!!

Deer Austin

We live less than five miles from the urban core in Austin. While it isn't too unusual to see deer walk through the neighborhood in early evening it was somewhat surprising to see this doe at the mailbox mid day. I was grading papers on the front porch and went inside to grab the camera. She was in no hurry and posed for this pic.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

No rain for Austin

Mid-week, against the backdrop of over 300 wildfires in arid west Texas, this thunderhead formed near Austin. While beautiful and threatening rain, we didn't receive a drop in our neighborhood.......

Friday, February 25, 2011

BP and the Angry Gulf

I was experimenting with a
graphics program and free forming brush strokes. After some initial practice I saw the contrasts of a black bottom and blue waves and of course it was reminiscent of the recent oil environmental nightmare that hopefully won't be repeated.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

As blizzard conditions ripped across the country this first week in February, temperatures reached a low of 21 degrees in Austin last night. As news services cautioned this morning " the conditions are worse than the look". the nearly one inch of snow shut down City, County and State services as businesses also closed. With snow totals 20-30 inches in many parts of the Nation, I feel a little sheepish with friends and family north of the Mason/Dixon line. Signing off in a frigid Austin where the high is predicted to only hit 40 today..... and wondering if the kids will attempt a snow man.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tyler was on the white blanket with his Christmas toys and I remembered....the camera in the back office. I laid down with him and snapped away while he played. I think I had more of the fun. At eight months he is growing up.
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Jackson had a blast in his recent visit. I was taking pictures of his brother Tyler when he jumped in with his milk box and broad smile.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

This picture of Jackson David was my favorite over the Christmas Holiday. Jon and Ali drove down from Round Rock and mid morning Jackson bolted from the car to engage the gift opening. Ali mentioned that she asked JD to get dressed but he wanted to wear his "Thomas". I don't believe Jackson wanted to stop for a pic...his clenched fist and head tilt suggests "make this short I'm coming through". We had a blast, and Jackson brought his A-game, the two year old wonder of Christmas.