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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spaghetti Party Austin Texas

Yummy, my own spaghetti and meatball bowl at Central Market, it just doesn't get much better( than mothers' milk of course). The thing that's the best is if I smear more on my face than in my mouth...all the more fun! Jackson David
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I was out front with the camera looking over the flowers and cactus for a possible pic when I noticed a honey bee buzzing about. I set the lens for full zoom and when it hovered I got the snap. While a tad blurry it has given me the idea that a truly great photo is out there in a flying shot. Of course we have seen a million others with a fabulous take but some time I would like to get one, like catching something photo fishing. Oh, I am highly allergic to bee stings.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is a collection of pics around the family support of Ma Munger in her stay at Christopher House. Some of the views capture the closeness and the love in life affirming relationships in spite of this stage of her terminal illness. CH is a gift to Austin and the only facility of its' type in central Texas.
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This collage captures a family dinner up town. Usually these large events are at home, but with Ma Munger in hospice and out of town guests, we met Dave and Kerrey at the Four Seasons for an extraordinary night out.