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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rose through glass blocks

Interesting photo of roses that was put through an effect of glass blocks. The green brush like stroke in the middle appears as if a bold artist came back a last time to add a leaf.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My sister Diane shared this photo from her trip to India this past year. I asked her about what kind of crowd she was hanging with these days and were they as far out as her E. Michigan U days and alternative lifestyle people. I do remember some her rock concert days and some face painting. When she answered "colorful characters" as her new homeys I didn't picture the ashram crowd that she attracted as the Dreads in the pic. Zero in on her and she is obviously happy and that makes me happy.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jackson and Family at the Austin iconic HULA HUT.
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Of course we are doing our part to....KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD!!!!!!!!!
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Dianes' visit to Austin Texas

My sister Diane and Debra sharing some fun and stories. Diane is here in Austin for a week long holiday and we are enjoying catching up on family and recent events. Diane lives in Costa Rica and has had adventures in Peru and India.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Super Stars Austin Zombieland

Recently "Zombie land" premiered in Austin and the stars and Hollywood moguls turned out in droves. A popular gathering site and watering hole was the Four Seasons. While tight security help back the paparazzi and stalkers there were sitings that leaked into the broader press. This glam couple posed for a quick glimpse into that elite " we're here and you're not" knowing snap. One and only one pic captured this truly Austin event.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Canadian Rockies Fall Colors

This picture was taken in the afternoon on the Vermilion chain lakes in late September. The lakes run for some miles west of Banff. It was unseasonably warm at 78 degrees. Locals said it snowed in early October and sure enough they had light snow on October first. At the tree line you can pick up some golden aspens and the lake shore shrubbery has the fall color burst.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Santa Fe Market

When I recently brought back pictures from Santa Fe, the most often comment from those viewing was "wow, all the colors....". A corner outdoor vendor had piles of woven blankets and these probably best captured the color blast seen around town. Click on the pic for large view. I think these particular blankets were from Peru.
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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Snails Pace

This is about as fast as I intend to go today, the proverbial "snails' pace". I took this picture trying to pick up the earthen colors and after viewing noticed the slime. Since the snail is on a vertical wall the slime must have some adhesive qualities.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Santa Fe Water Creatures

A clear sunny day at 7000 feet in Santa fe. What to do? Jump into the lap pool and have a blast. the baby float puts Jackson into the action.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nancy Collages Austin Texas

These three large photo story boards trace a lifetime of family, friends, and events of Nancy Munger. The boards, creatively put together by her granddaughter Kristin and husband Kevin served as a welcome to the Barr Mansion location where the memorial was held. Forty people on a short special invitation list participated in an evening of song, readings, memories and dinner. While it was blistering hot outside, the facility was a lovely venue for the occasion. Click on the boards for larger viewing. 100s' of pics are fit into the collage.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This shot was taken at County Line BBQ when celebrated Makenzie Graces' birthday party. I think this is a particularly good pic of Joanna and her mom, Debra. We always have a good time at this iconic Austin spot. Most importantly the Mak-attack had a grand time .
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spaghetti Party Austin Texas

Yummy, my own spaghetti and meatball bowl at Central Market, it just doesn't get much better( than mothers' milk of course). The thing that's the best is if I smear more on my face than in my mouth...all the more fun! Jackson David
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I was out front with the camera looking over the flowers and cactus for a possible pic when I noticed a honey bee buzzing about. I set the lens for full zoom and when it hovered I got the snap. While a tad blurry it has given me the idea that a truly great photo is out there in a flying shot. Of course we have seen a million others with a fabulous take but some time I would like to get one, like catching something photo fishing. Oh, I am highly allergic to bee stings.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

This is a collection of pics around the family support of Ma Munger in her stay at Christopher House. Some of the views capture the closeness and the love in life affirming relationships in spite of this stage of her terminal illness. CH is a gift to Austin and the only facility of its' type in central Texas.
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This collage captures a family dinner up town. Usually these large events are at home, but with Ma Munger in hospice and out of town guests, we met Dave and Kerrey at the Four Seasons for an extraordinary night out.

Friday, April 24, 2009

This shot is taken on January 1 at the Auditorium Shores fountain. The sun starbursts through the Lone Star and the spray sparkles the radiated light. It was a great start to a new year in a great city...Austin Texas

Sunday, April 12, 2009

At the Trio cafe in Austin there was a star sighting.... wait, it was KENT!
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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I enjoy this picture of Jackson as it captures a few aspects of where he is developmentally. Notice his fingers pressed down as they steady his first steps so he can peer above the table. What a new world to explore! His grandmothers luster ware holds the imagination of a crystal ball.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jackson walks with aid of table

Jackson David is now pulling himself up to the coffee table and taking steps to work his way around. This collage summarizes this progress with an array of pics on his new accomplishment. Proud of himself? Probably the awe of just being able to pull in the sights and better scope the room activity is more than enough at this age.
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jackson David

Fun photos of Jackson David at the Gateway Community Church baby dedication. Jackson had a big time following going to Chuys' for lunch.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pigeon Poop

Pa Munger shares a childhood memory and like many of our early impressions it involves the most basic of animal kingdom behavior, elimination. We had a good time at Mas' 81st birthday and over the three hours a great deal of story telling took place. Yeah, this is a cautionary tale, even in Birmingham you can get the bird.
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Ma Munger Birthday

On February 12 we had a great family event and evening honoring Nancy Mungers' 81st birthday. This Austin based party invited Debras' family, all in Austin, and Kerrey flying in make it special. Nancy and family was there at all times all though work required their physical presence in Detroit. The location of choice was Trio at the Four Seasons and the food and service was stellar. Ma Munger lite it up and if laughter was an indicator the night scored a five star... above are the "Red Carpet" couple, posing for the paparazzi.
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Jewell

On Tuesday night the temperature in Austin fell to 32 degrees and a light rain fell thru the night. At 8:00 in the morning the sun came up and the ice coatings of branches and wires started to melt. I took the camera out and spotted a small jewell of ice dangling on a spider thread that formed in the frigid air. Within a few minutes it was gone, but I was happy to catch evidence of a rare Austin event...cold.
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